



Episode Blog

In this vibrant and thought-provoking episode of From Chains to Links, co-hosts Ifeoma Ike and Kelly Burton dive into a lively discussion on the top 10 ways entrepreneurs, creators, and visionaries can thrive in 2025. From prioritizing wellness and renewing passports to cultivating meaningful connections and embracing creativity, Ifeoma and Kelly serve up wisdom, humor, and practical advice to help listeners elevate their lives and careers. With powerful reflections on forgiveness, generosity, and getting in the flow, this episode is an inspiring call to action for anyone ready to embrace a new chapter. Tune in for candid insights, laughter, and a reminder that 2025 is yours to claim!

10 Tips For Wellness, Wealth & Winning In 2025

How are you, Kelly?

I’m good, Esquire. How are you, author and activist extraordinaire? How are you, dope?

Thank you. I am dope. I’m humble so I didn’t want to say it.

The modesty is flowing.

I know who was talking, and it was like, “Let’s add a little something,” and you come out here.

I’m giving you asymmetric earrings.

Are you giving me a Renaissance?

I’m giving you Renaissance.

Diane Summers. You are giving me all those vibes. You are giving me all that.

Thank you, darling.

Prioritize Wellness

Hot takes. I want to get your sense. For people who want to know. We got to keep it to ten, Kelly. Top ten things. Entrepreneurs, adult creative minds, digital creators, technologists, futurists, and Afrofuturists. Top ten things they need to be doing, thinking, being this year 2025, and going.

Snap, and go. Number one, you have to show some vigilance around your wellness. Prioritize your wellness and your mental, physical, and spiritual health. If you ain’t leaned in before, you are best to lean in now because we have no idea what we are in for, and at least at the end of the day, this is my commitment to myself. In a few years, I’m going to be snatched by the gods. I am going to be as strong as I have ever been. I’m going to be fit. I’m going to be cute. I’m going ahead and being all wrinkled, sad, busted, and disgusted. That’s me. How about you? That’s my number one. Go.

Keep Your Passport And Legal Affairs Current

Facts. Everything can be a loss. Get snatched. If it was prescribed by your doctor, Ozempia way, get it together. Go get a plant. It’s good for your health. I like that number one. Number two, make sure your passport is current. We can debate sometime else about whether we should leave. Who’s going to be left behind? Nana doesn’t get this and that. Every Nana loves a good gift from Ghana. Please have your passport renewed. If it’s going to expire within the next five years, you may not know this. You can get it renewed now. Keep things current, and while we are there, have all of your legal affairs in order. Have your trust in the saints. Have your wills. Talk to your parents. Go to the LegalZoom. Write something down. Please have all of your legal affairs in order and current. That’s my number two.

Can I riff off of that real quick because I’m going through this with my parents, and I have had their wills for some years, but getting the details like the passwords to all the things where all the money at. Can you imagine how much money these financial institutions have kept because your family didn’t know you had an account here and there? That is the greatest demonstration of love that you can have for your children is to make sure that when you die because we are all going to die when you die, they don’t have to grieve you and figure out what your password is to your bank account. Grieving is going to be hard enough. I wanted to plus one on that. Double click, double click.

Get Selfish

This is my number three. Get selfish because a lot of times people are checking on all the people. If we all checked in with ourselves, we wouldn’t require folks to check in with us. Be selfish. Do what you need, and I know that women, especially Black women, feel responsible for everybody being happy and having what they need. Bump that. Focus on you and yourself. What time do you need, and what space do you need? Hire you some help or call in a friend. Expect more from partners. Call a friend. Do what you need to do because we always talk about it. You can’t pour from an empty vessel and all that and it’s real. Create practices that are focused on selfishness. Back to you. Number four.

Get Creative

Number four. Get creative. All about thinking twelve months from now about what you would like to learn, and starting now figuring out what you need to get to not only do the thing but create the space to do the thing. I always have 10 million things on my vision board around the things that I want to see happen a year later, but 1 of the things I don’t think about visioning is space. If you want to rest, have a resting space. If you want to create art, have an art space. Create little temples and spaces to hold your talent, to hold your vision. FThosethat are entrepreneurial-minded, also believe that your gifts will open abundance.

This is 4B. I think sometimes we think we have to build a whole bunch of things to get wealthy, rich, or what have you, but sometimes think of all the things that your parents told you that’s a hobby, you shouldn’t be doing that. Do that and see how far it will get. You see how natural it comes. Do the shit that comes with ease, and believe that you can if you want to monetize off of the ease, or at least try. That’s my number four. Get creative.

Be Generous In Kindness And Engage Intentionally

My number five is to be generous in your kindness. Go overboard. “Boy, you looking good.” We are good about that as Black people but go do the most. Go into situations thinking about how you are going to love people. Based on how I was raised, we tend to be touchy. You live in a place like that. People need to be embraced. People don’t need to be held. Hold somebody’s hand, hug, stand in, snuggle because it’s necessary.

People need to be touched and held. People need affirmations. People need to be reminded of how beautiful they are, how amazing they are, and the potential that they have. It doesn’t cost anything to be extra kind and generous. When it comes to social media, for us, the power of a click, like, or share, and sometimes folks are stingy and it’s like, “For what though?” What is it costing you to engage intentionally? Be very intentional with your engagement across the board. That’s my five. Six, to you.

Expand Your Podcast Playlist

Number 6, adopt 3 different types of podcasts into your repertoire. 1) From Chains to Links. 2) Add a podcast that teaches you something that you don’t know how to do. Random background noise. I’m going to learn how to do this, and then 3) Add a podcast that is around joy, pleasure, or trash. Sometimes it ain’t got to be your girlfriend, sometimes it got to be the loved one. Sometimes it doesn’t get to be you giving advice to folks. Have trash playing in the background. Let the experts in the social media trash do the analysis of what happened in Love is Blind, Love Island, and all that stuff. Find yourself a good trash release because people are good at creating trash, and you deserve it. You deserve to get your fix of trash, pleasure, or joy but also From Chains to Links. That’s my number six.

That sounds good, and you say I’m the one who can’t count.

I said, you count differently.

Forgive And Grieve The Dreams That Never Came To Pass

Number seven, forgive. Whoever you have in your life and relationships that you hold on to stuff, you are still salty about stuff, you are frustrated, and you are mad. When they come by, you tense up. Let that stuff go because that’s baggage, and we cannot go into this next period weighed down. We got to be light. A lot of that stuff is stuff that we hold in these relationships that we need to let go of. Let it go so that things can heal and you can move on. That’s seven.

Seven B includes forgiving yourself. As entrepreneurs, the end of the year can be tough. We want to acknowledge that the last couple of years have been very tough for marginalized entrepreneurs who are disproportionately doing the impact work to solve problems and to bring people along and not center themselves and only themselves as they move forward.

It served a purpose at a point in time. Honor yourself for that, and then forgive yourself for any decisions that you felt like you stayed too long in, or you weren’t as gracious enough. Give that grace back to yourself and find moments to continue to tell yourself you did the best that you could with what you had, and allow that to marinate in your spirit. That’s my addendum to you.

Seven C. I had a good friend shoutout to Milano Harding and this was years ago when I was transitioning to a past business. He said, “A lot of times you need to grieve those dreams that never came to pass.” I realized the resentment that I held around my failures was deep grief. Sometimes when these things that we hold in our hearts, and we have these big aspirations and dreams for, don’t manifest, what we are experiencing is grief. Sometimes it is forgiveness, but sometimes you have to let that thing settle and do what it needs to do in your body, spirit, and psyche before it’s able to move on but be intentional about grieving. You for eight.

Trust In Small Tribes

Number eight is big trust in small tribes. It is time for us to stop focusing on the motherfucker’s back game for you. Wake up every morning thinking about the person who didn’t text you back. Wake up in the morning thinking about the person that ain’t like it. Meanwhile, you post something and it’s thirteen beautiful people who liked what you said. They check on your mama. They want to hear your voice. As soon as you call them back, “Can you believe that they didn’t tell me?” You don’t have a larger capacity for the people that love you while you are here.

You are going to miss the different types of deposits that they are already freely giving to you because, and you also miss an opportunity to grow. You miss an opportunity to pour back. Redefine what it means to thrive. Let’s redefine how we look at counts, how we look at impressions, how we look at who’s following us. All of those things can be great and can yield some type of connectivity, but do not abandon the tribes that love you whether good or bad.

Get In The Flow

Now we are closing this out. My number nine is to get in the flow because we are entering into a state of ease. I’m like, “If it ain’t easy, it ain’t for me.” A lot of times we waste time because we are like, “I’m going to make this happen.” No. If you can’t get in the flow and let the universe take you a long, put your intention, set your attention, and be like, “Come on Holy Ghost. I’m getting in this flow because I am committed that this stage is not going to be hard. I’m not expecting it to be tough. I’m expecting to get my Blacktail up in this flow.” Close us out.

Get A Good Financial Advisor

Number ten. It is the sexiest thing you’ve ever heard. Please get yourself a good financial advisor. It’s so sexy. It hurts sexy. Get yourself a good financial advisor. I’m going to give you the professional trifecta financial advisor. Get yourself a good doctor and then get yourself a good lawyer you can call.

I thought you were going to say a good therapist, coach, or whatever you need for your stage of life.

We can add that as an addendum. I will say, “If you can get yourself some type of coaching/therapy tool. I want to break down for people that it’s time for us to be honest that many of us do not need coaches. We need therapists. As somebody who is an executive coach, I’m no longer diagnosing the situation between you and your boss for the fourth time. Both you and your boss need a therapist, and I’m now certified to give you that help.

You all need help.

All of it. When you are ready to figure out the specific things for your business to advance, that’s when you get a coach but when you are trying to figure out why that childhood doll burned in the building and daddy didn’t run to get it, and for the rest of your life, you are carrying a doll because you don’t know, child.

I’m now in my element. I’m now equipped.

Did you get in the memo during the Q4 meeting? That sounds like you are happy. Take care of your body. Get yourself a financial advisor. Get yourself a lawyer that you can coach or retain or get advice from people. However, if that fourth one, if you know that the coach isn’t doing what you need, you may need a therapist. Also, if you feel like you want to take the training wheels off a little bit and you want to focus on your career, don’t be afraid to be like, “I’m going to put this therapist on pause. I’m going to get a coach,” but I’m talking to the motherfuckers that got a coach and need the therapy, so get a therapist. 

That’s it. 2025, we are ready. Let’s go. We are not playing any games. We are ready.

What else are you all saying should be on our list for 2025? Let us know. Check us on all the things that you don’t agree with us on, but we are not checking for those. You all have an amazing 2025, and we hope you do well.

Make sure you subscribe to From Chains to Links, and like, engage, share, and all the things. We are excited. Can you tell?

You’re all going to do it.

We are going to do it. We are in this together.

I’m kidding. I’m not that mean. I care about you all. You all have an amazing day. Amazing year. Bye.



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